What is this eco-action about?
The eco action EcoMinga offers is the care and management of an extraordinary set of ecological reserves containing some of the most diverse and most scientifically important forests in the world. In a watershed just 40 kilometers (25 miles) long, these ten reserves contain more diversity than many entire countries. Each successive line of mountains in this watershed has a slightly different climate than its neighbor, leading to the evolution of different unique species on each of these mountain chains. In this tiny area there are more unique locally-endemic plant species than in all of the world-famous Galápagos Islands!
These reserves also provide habitat for endangered Andean birds and mammals, though these are not locally endemic. Among them are large mammals like the Spectacled Bear (Tremarctos ornatus) and Mountain Tapir (Tapirus pinchaque), and endangered birds like the Black-and chestnut Eagle (Spizaetus isidori).
These animals are subject to pressure from local hunters. The reserves are also threatened by illegal orchid collectors. In addition there is a timber-cutting tradition in the area, especially oriented towards cutting large hardwood trees. To control these threats it is essential to patrol the reserves.
In addition, there is a need to monitor biological indicators of the degree of success of conservation in the reserve. Part of the offered service will consist of careful monitoring of large mammal populations, using camera traps if available. As a bonus, this ecoservice may lead to the discovery of more new species of plants and animals in the reserves.
Monitor and care for Fundación EcoMinga's protected forest reserves in Andean Ec
Who are you partnering with?
You will be partnering with Fundación EcoMinga’s restorer, Eduardo Peña and other local park rangers.
Eduardo’s role as a forest ranger is to patrol, protect and preserve the natural ecosystems of the reserves. Eduardo has already co-discovered one new species of frog and two new species of orchids.
Where does your money go?
Your money will be used to hire local restorers, like Eduardo, who live near the reserves and carry out daily activities that protect the flora and fauna of these reserves. They monitor the trails to prevent illegal orchid extraction, logging, hunting or cattle ranching.